What to expect at your consultation & treatment video

About the procedure

A frenectomy is a quick procedure (a few minutes or less) that gives your child improved mobility of their lips and tongue. The timing of a frenectomy procedure is important, and our doctors will help determine this. Our doctors have received extensive training in diagnosing frenum issues and performing frenectomy procedures. They are certified in the use of soft tissue lasers.

Signs and Symptoms

The tongue, lips, and cheeks are important for all oral functions. In infancy, when the mobility of those muscles is restricted, it can cause problems with nursing, feeding, swallowing, sleeping, and breathing. Many of these problems can persist into adulthood along with speech problems, difficulty brushing the top teeth, tooth decay, headaches, neck pain, shoulder pain, excessive spacing, and gum recession.

Baby signs and symptoms

  • Shallow latch
  • Lip curls under while feeding
  • Loses suction
  • Prolonged/incomplete feedings
  • Falls asleep in the middle of feeding
  • Gagging or coughing while feeding
  • Chewing nipples while feeding
  • Clicking/smacking noises while feeding
  • Milk leakage out of their mouth
  • Poor or slow weight gain
  • Frequently gassiness and fussiness
  • Inability to hold pacifier
  • Lip blisters
  • High palate

Mother's signs and symptoms

  • Painful nursing
  • Nipples are creased, flattened, and/or blanched
  • Nipples are cracked, blistered, and/or bleeding
  • Poor or incomplete breast drainage
  • Plugged ducts or mastitis
  • Inability to nurse without a nipple shield
  • Decreased milk supply
Baby signs and symptoms
Baby signs and symptoms
Baby signs and symptoms

What to expect after release

• A white and/or yellow diamond-shaped patch at the healing site is normal. This is not an infection.

• A “notch” in the maxillary bone after a lip tie release is common. This will slowly fill with tissue and close when the two top front baby teeth erupt.

• Increased sleeping may be due to exhaustion, or simply that your baby is feeding better and is more satisfied. A slight amount of bleeding while doing the stretches is normal during the first week.

• Increased drooling due to increased tongue movement.

• Extra fussiness and inconsolable crying during the first week. Discomfort usually starts a few hours after the surgery when the numbing effect of the laser wears off. Most babies experience mild to moderate discomfort that lasts 12–24 hours, although sometimes it may last longer. It can peak around days 3–5.

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

Video 4

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Scheduling your appointment

Our specialty trained team is available to assist you in scheduling, review what to expect at the appointment, and help answer any questions you may have regarding the procedure.

At Smiles in Motion Pediatric Dentistry, our board-certified dentists have received extensive training in diagnosing frenum issues and performing frenectomy procedures.

Schedule your appointment