Meet Dr. Todd Anderson

My interest in orthodontics began while I was practicing dentistry as a Dental Officer in the United States Navy. Here I worked alongside two fellow naval dental officers who were orthodontists and was able to experience firsthand the complexity and finesse that orthodontics demands. Seeing how the transformation of a patient’s smile can have a direct correlation to an increase in a patient’s self-confidence and overall dental health showed me what an enormous impact we have on the lives of our patients.

Witnessing the impact that orthodontic treatment has on each patient and watching them transform through their smile journey is amazing to witness. As an orthodontist I watch many of my patients grow up from childhood to early adulthood and it is truly an honor to be a part of their lives. Practicing orthodontics is both a privilege and a great responsibility. I cannot think of another profession that I would rather be a member of.

I have been married to my wonderful wife Linda since 1987. Together we have two sons, Matthew and Thomas. Matthew is a financial analyst who works and lives in St. Paul. Thomas is a senior at the University of Minnesota and will be following in my footsteps starting dental school in the fall of 2022. Time outside of the office is spent with family and friends enjoying the many outdoor activities that Minnesota has to offer. We especially enjoy time on the lakes boating and fishing. I also enjoy bird hunting in the fall with my two sons, friends, and our two Labrador Retrievers. Other interests of mine include cooking, photography and dog training.

Education and professional associations

Through my professional affiliations, I’m able to connect and collaborate with fellow orthodontists and dentists to allow for continued growth and sharing of knowledge, ensuring that we all provide quality care to the patients we serve. I’m proud to be a professional member of the following associations:

Dr. Todd Anderson creates amazing smiles in these locations